Get off to a Good Start with your Demands Specification
[Template] Demands specification template for talent management systems
When acquiring a new HR system, there are many issues that apply and which need to be assessed. Doing preparatory work is often a time-consuming exercise and requires you to have looked at several issues. When answering and concretising typical requirements in the context of acquiring an HR system and choosing a supplier, key questions arise about the functions, the system itself and the supplier.
This could include questions such as:
- Does the system support specific functions?
- Does the supplier offer enough support to meet my needs?
- On what technology should the HR system be based?
- How do I specify requirements for the supplier in terms of. experience, development, scalability, IT security, etc.?
- How is the HR system implemented and what is the process like?
These questions often result in a requirements specification. In many cases, this is necessary to ensure that your company gets exactly the HR system that will create value for you. Download the guide and adapt it to your specific needs.