Get off to a Good Start with your Demands Specification

[template] Demands specification template for Recruitment Systems

There are many things you and your company need to consider when purchasing a new recruitment system. For most companies, this is preparatory work that can take a long time. There are many needs, demands, details, etc. that need to be identified.

This template lists the main points of a demands specification, and you can use the template freely and work from it to meet your specific needs. For example, add more suppliers, specify demands and fields as it makes sense.

Do you know the answers to the questions below?

  • Does the system support specific functions?
  • Does the supplier offer enough support to meet my needs?
  • On what technology should the recruitment system be based?
  • How do I specify demands for the supplier in terms of. experience, development, scalability, IT security, etc.?
  • How is the recruitment system implemented and what is the process like?