Get off to a Good Start with your Demands Specification

[Template] Demands specification template for HR platforms

When choosing an HR platform, there will be many things to consider, evaluate and decide. It can also be time-consuming to find the right solutions for your business. It is important to ask the right questions and to take the time to prepare, to ensure that your decisions are well informed and address your specific needs. Both now and in the future.

Do you know the questions below?

  • Does the system support specific functions?
  • Does the supplier offer enough support to meet my needs?
  • What technology should the HR platform be based on?
  • How do I specify demands for the supplier in terms of. experience, development, scalability, IT security, etc.?
  • How is the HR platform implemented and what is the process like?

Once you answer these questions, you can move closer to a demands specification. In addition to these issues, there will typically be more details to consider, and therefore this can be a time-consuming exercise. Download the template and adapt it to your specific needs. 
